Thursday 6th October, 11:20am | The Walbrook Suite

Consultation fatigue and stakeholder apathy is an issue many tCI members face. For some proposals of change, organisations have to work hard to keep citizens and stakeholders interested.

Public sector bodies are now often running consultations simultaneously, and struggle with getting people engaged on a range of topics. Don’t consult enough and you can be challenged. Consult too often and you can give consultees consultation fatigue.

Of course, it is good practice to involve people in changes you are making, but consultation is just one method of gaining valuable insight on an issue. Using this method for uncontroversial issues that don’t have a statutory requirement for consultation can lead to consultees becoming disengaged and subsequently a low response rate.

So, how can we combat consultation fatigue? Is your proposal compelling enough? Are you using the right methods to engagement with your audiences?

Register below to join the discussion as we share ways to overcome consultation fatigue. Attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts, including actions, techniques and methods they typically deploy.

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