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June 24th 11am
The best way to keep abreast of the law of consultation 

Your time is valuable; and as lockdown eases, many have months of catching-up to do. Here is the session to find out about recent developments in the law of consultation. What is different? Have there been Court cases that might affect your work? Are there emerging issues where consultees are pressing for judicial reviews? In one time-efficient hour, you will get a flavour of the current situation. In this webinar, Rhion Jones and Elizabeth Gammell, who have delivered the Institute's unique Law of Consultation training course for many years, will provide an update on recent decisions in the High Court. These include NHS cases from Kent and Tyneside, challenges to day care centre closures in Rotherham and Scotland, and a schools closure – also in Scotland. They will also give a progress report on the Law of Consultation e-Learning that has been developed in the last month, and the issues arising from distilling complex legal judgments into useful key messages for consultation and engagement professionals. It will also provide an opportunity for members and supporters to consider how important it can be to be well-informed about the law and discuss the best ways of keeping up-to-date

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